Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Recycling at home

This bin right here is a bin that helps mother nature keep going the best it can. It may just look like a bin, believe it or not with out it, this world would be one huge dump. I always recycle, it was the way i was taught. In this bin, i put all my old shoes boxes, paper that i don't need (ext).
I also check that every time i am in my way to throw some thing away i make sure i wont have any other purpose for it. If i think i do i will store it away some place that wont disturb be and when the day come for me to use it i will be able to make the best out of it.


Teresa said...

me perdonas? what?! yo nunca te pedi perdon lol jk well ya sabes por que no fui and its the best explanation that i have porque es la verdad.

Teresa said...

oh and no i didnt dith with "your cousin" lupillo. fiu con el mio, the real one.